
Laurel House is a published author, International Celebrity Dating, Relationship, Empowerment, and Performance Coach, Relationship Expert for eharmony, and host of “The Man Whisperer” podcast. She is direct, focused, passionate, strong, and feminine. Her no-games style screws the rules and focuses on authenticity and truth. Because dating isn’t a game. It’s a strategy. One that requires Communication, which allows for Clarity, creates Confident Vulnerability, and therefore brings on Attraction. Laurel has given her guidance to over 500 TV, Magazine, Newspaper, and Online media outlets including being a dating coach on E!’s “Famously Single,” as well as on Access Hollywood, ABC’s Nightline, Good Morning America, The Today Show, KTLA Morning News, as well as in Vogue, Washington Post, NY Post, Glamour, Vice, AskMen, Huffington Post, Readers Digest, Shape, etc…
Client Quotes
“I cannot recommend Laurel’s coaching highly enough. She has an intelligent, targeted approach and I’ve learned more from her in the past few months than I have with years of dating. She helps me understand the nuances of dating and how my behavior can be interpreted by the opposite sex, and how to not make assumptions based on my insecurities. When I get married it will be because of what I have learned from her.”
-Rohan, 32
“He proposed! Thank you for being my Yoda.” -Kate 36
“I have found everything I wanted in my “dream relationship” and soooo much more… I feel so blessed, loved, supported, and cherished!… I would have never been able to get out of my own way without the work you and I have done together – so I am grateful to you and your patient but tough guidance.”
-Susan, 45
“My time with Laurel feels like some extraordinarily illuminating journey. She’s at the front of the boat holding the lantern. Every time we talk, she makes me feel like I'm opening up a new chamber that has been tightly closed. Laurel has really helped me in so many ways and I’m learning so much! I get excited with every session because she makes me be a better version of me.””
-Josh, 57
“Working with you has been incredibly enlightening. I wonder why I have never done something like this before. I have always had a strategy with business and job interviews, but just sort of assumed that love would fall into place. Now I realize that I need to be strategic and prepared for dates in a way that I hadn't even considered before. I wish you were on my shoulder on all of my dates since you always seem to have the perfect thing to say in the best possible way.”
-Amaya, 38
"Dating can be a real nightmare if you're not prepared. I was sick and tired of dismal, lack luster, dates that would punctuate long stretches of lonely Saturday Nights. I was so tired of it that I began reading any and all dating material I could find. From "game" heavy dating guides to PUA books, most of the material I found was pretty sleazy and treated dating like football. I remember it leaving me feeling even more isolated and alone. Right when I was about to give up, someone introduced me to Laurel. (She) didn't treat dating like a playbook. She emphasized the importance of getting yourself straightened out emotionally before you go out there. After finishing her book it motivated me to reach out to her and book a couple sessions with her. There has been a dramatic increase in the quality of both the women I've been seeing but also the quality of our time together and I credit Laurel's counsel as one of the biggest contributors. I'm so glad I found you Laurel."
-David, 30
"Despite having been married twice as well as in several long-term relationships, I have never felt true love- from or for a woman. Working with you made me realize that I had fallen in lust for the idea and potential of women. I was attracted to what a good person they were. I was excited by the fun we had. I was turned on by specific sides of them. But I never really knew the entirety of who they were at their core or what they truly needed to be happy. And they never really knew me or my needs either, because I didn’t tell them or show them. I let them in on the sides of me that they wanted to see and that they wanted me to be, while the private and shy sides always felt ignored and alone. But now I know, now I see, and now I feel true and real love for and from someone. You have changed my life more than I can ever explain. I am so grateful for you."
-William, 74
“I hired Laurel because I knew that I screwed up in my last relationship and I wanted to see if there was any way that I could get back with my ex. I worked with several therapists in hopes of getting help and answers, but they pretty much just listened. Laurel was a game-changer. Within the first two calls, she was able to get to the root of why the relationship didn't work. Instead of just listening, she gave me advice and direction, helped me find the exact right words to communicate my needs, and more than that, she taught me the essential skills to think and feel clearly and honestly, then voice those needs. Laurel gave me clarity and confidence around who I am, what I need in a relationship and in life, and within 5 sessions I was ready to have a conversation with my ex... and we are back together! I can't recommend Laurel more.” -Jamie, 30
"Laurel House is the consummate "chick who gets it." In addition to her amazing feminine beauty and grace, Laurel was blessed with the ability (and weapon when need be) to think like a man. She GETS IT! Finally guys, we have a "man whisperer" to turn to..!" -Kent, 47